How do I change my NetID or Active Directory (AD) password?


Go to the myIdentity self service page.

To reset your Active Directory (AD) password:

  1. Log in with your NetID.
  2. Select "Change Password(s)”
  3. Under section 1, you should find your URMC Active Directory username. (Note: your AD username may be different than your NetID username.)
  4. Click the radio button next to your URMC AD username. (You can also choose "Select All" if you want to change your NetID password at the same time.)
  5. In section 2, type in your current NetID password.
  6. Following the criteria given in section 3, type the new password twice in section 4.
  7. You will receive a message that the request has been submitted.  This indicates that your password has been changed.

If you do not remember your NetID password:
Go to myIdentity self service page

  1. Select "Forgot your password?"
  2. You will need to answer your previously selected reset questions.

If you have not set your questions or are otherwise unable to access the myIdentity self-service portal or are unable to reset your NetID password contact:

UR University IT via email UnivIT Help Desk or by phone at (585) 275-2000.


  • Last Updated Jul 17, 2024
  • Views 119
  • Answered By Susan Atkins

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